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120.00  元
HK$ 102  

  • 叢書系列:獨立出版
  • 規格:平裝 / 272頁 / 17 x 22 cm / 普通級

  • 藝術設計 > 建築 > 各式建築 > 其他主題



    004?? ?序(吳桂楊_國立聯合大學設計學院院長/建築系系主任)

    ?? ?foreword01

    005?? ?序(廖偉立_開業建築師)

    ?? ?foreword02

    006?? ?序(黃金豐_國立聯合大學建築系系友會會長/寬埕建設董事長)

    ?? ?foreword03

    014?? ?呂珮瑋LYU, PEI-WEI

    ?? ?罪與罰-新型態動物收容所

    ?? ?Crime and Punishment - a new type of animal shelters

    020?? ?陳?勳Chen,Cheng-Shiun

    ?? ?末日居所Doomsday House

    026?? ?林俞呈LIN, YU-CHENG

    ?? ?兒童圖書館-用身體記憶空間

    ?? ?Childrens Library - Memory space with physical activity

    032?? ?張家豪CHANG,JIA-HAO

    ?? ?未曾入境的在地生活-新型態外籍漁工岸置中心

    ?? ?Never landed in life-New type of foreign fishermen shore home center

    040?? ?楊騏嘉Yang,Chi-Jia

    ?? ?社區攤販集中場再利用─社區活動暨場域再造

    ?? ?Reborn the community space in Jinhwa

    046?? ?蘇家緯SU,Chia-Wei

    ?? ?台東旅客中心暨鐵馬租賃站-閒置空間改造

    ?? ?Taitung visitor center cum cavalry transform unused space rental station

    062?? ?楊雁如YANG,YAN-RU

    ?? ?碎化x重組x再生-居仁國中改造計畫

    ?? ?Fragmentationxreorganizationxregeneration-Benevolence Junior transformation

    064?? ?黃允宏HUANG,YUN-HUNG

    ?? ?新型態社區化警消設計規劃

    ?? ?A New Type Design of Police Department & Fire Station

    066?? ?巫泉滸WU,CHUAN-HU

    ?? ?看見土地萌發的生命力與凝聚力

    ?? ?See The Vitality and The Germination of Cohesion

    072?? ?江沐庭JIANG,MU,TING

    ?? ?陶瓷藝術市集

    ?? ?Ceramics Art Fair

    078?? ?莊雅嵐CHUANG,YA-LAN

    ?? ?捷運機廠意象再造-商場結合社區公園計畫

    ?? ?MRT imagery recycling depot - the mall with community park project

    084?? ?金佑珊JIN,YOU-SHAN

    ?? ?苗栗公館出磺坑石油產業區活化再利用

    ?? ?Chuhuangkeng adaptive reuse of the oil industry zone

    090?? ?劉韋廷LIU,WEI-TING

    ?? ?頭屋交流道休憩帶-觀光軸線與產業串接

    ?? ?Touwu interchange ribbon space - tourism and industrial axis series

    096?? ?謝獻桓Hsien-Huan,Hsieh

    ?? ?府都閒逸-台南街巷創意市集

    ?? ?Creativity & Originality Market In Tainan Street

    104?? ?張雅軒ZHANG,YA-XUEN

    ?? ?應許之地-基督安養社區

    ?? ?The Land of Promise-Nursing Home in Christ

    110?? ?黃耀慶HUANG,YAO-CHING

    ?? ?批判城市文化-生活場

    ?? ?Criticism of urban culture - Life Course

    116?? ?張雅甄CHANG, YA-CHEN

    ?? ?新連結之高美濕地體驗遊境設計

    ?? ?The new link of border design experience tour in Gaomei Wetlands

    124?? ?毛維祥MAO,WEI-HSIANG

    ?? ?垂直群體的共享生活-青年住宅結合社區公園

    ?? ?Shared living vertical groups - youth residential with community park

    130?? ?卓宛歆CHO,WANG-HSIN

    ?? ?單親媽媽安全住宅

    ?? ?The residence design for single mother

    136?? ?邱致豪TSENG, HSUAN-CHE

    ?? ?多元文化路徑-桃園車站文創空間

    ?? ?Multiplex cultural routes-Taoyuan Station Cultural and Creative Industry Park

    144?? ?王毓甯WANG,YU-NING

    ?? ?韻。綠 - 運動休閒生活中心

    ?? ?Rhythm & Greening – Sports And Leisure Living Center

    150?? ?陳昭綺CHEN,CHAO-CHI

    ?? ?動靜之間-國民運動中心

    ?? ?Between static and dynamic-National Sports Center

    156?? ?林欣慧Lin,Xin-Hui

    ?? ?生態環境教育中心暨鐵馬驛站

    ?? ?Eco-Environmental Education Center & Bicycle station

    162?? ?楊培瑄YANG,PEI HSUAN

    ?? ?幼樂園-城市幼兒園

    ?? ?Childrens park -City nursery school

    168?? ?張家碩CHANG,CHIA-SHUO

    ?? ?生命療育場

    ?? ?Life Intervention Clinic Place

    174?? ?鄭英杰Zheng ,Yin-Jie

    ?? ?三峽老街空間再生計

    ?? ?Sansia Old Street space regeneration project

    182?? ?萬文珊WAN,WEN-SHAN

    ?? ?蒜頭糖廠糖業教育觀光文化中心

    ?? ?Suantou Sugar Refinery sugar industry’s Leisure center for Culture

    188?? ?楊佳彬Yang,Chia-Bin

    ?? ?廢棄造船廠再生計畫-水上活動訓練中心

    ?? ?The regenerative plan for an abandoned shipyard _ Aquatic Centre

    194?? ?朱善微JU,SHAN-WEI

    ?? ?台鐵12號倉庫改建-多目標觀賞空間

    ?? ?Warehouse 12 of Taiwan Railway converted

    218?? ?黃瀠瑩HUANG,YING-YING

    ?? ?阿里山車庫園區再造-森鐵文化園區

    ?? ?Alishan park garage and recycling - small train Cultural Park

    202?? ?任博揚JEN,PO-YANG

    ?? ?LEAF新世代農夫職訓所

    ?? ?The new generation of farmer vocational training

    210?? ?詹政諭Chan,Cheng-Yu

    ?? ?台灣大院-都市空間改造

    ?? ?Living In The Courtyard Of Taiwan-Reform of urban space

    226?? ?陳建?CHEN, CHIEN-WEN

    ?? ??的記憶連結 - 安平社群生活再造

    ?? ?? Memory Link - Life recycling of Anping community

    232?? ?傅婉儀FU,WAN-YI

    ?? ?峰•迴─遊客中心暨九份文藝檔案館與社區中心表演天台空間

    ?? ?Twists And Turns - Jiufen Visitor Center,Information Library & Performance Garret

    238?? ?徐嘉珮HSU,CHAI-PEI

    ?? ?嘉義舊酒廠再利用─故事願景館

    ?? ?Chiayi old distillery museum recycling ─ story Vision

    246?? ?李維軒LI,WEI-SYUAN

    ?? ?城市中的場所文化其複製與重現

    ?? ?To Copy or Emerge Those Hidden Context of City

    252?? ?彭詩涵SHIH-HAN PENG

    ?? ?邊際的復甦-新東大橋再生計劃

    ?? ?Marginal Recovery-Regeneration Plan Xindong Bridge

    258?? ?林雨珊LIN,YU-SHAN

    ?? ?實體中存在的真實與失真

    ?? ?Entities that exist in reality and distortion

    264?? ?曾炫哲TSENG, HSUAN-CHE

    ?? ?山與海之間的反噬建築

    ?? ?The Anti-Antinature Architecture between the mountains and the sea.264

    270?? ?後續

    ?? ?Afterward

    272?? ?版權

    ?? ?Copyright



      It shows the will of pursuing the true. We’re going through the architecture for looking at the genius loci of every piece of lands. Try to raise the dialogue between the architecture and the place and create the harmony within people’s lives. It’s hoped to close architecture and locus by the design suggestion.

    其 他 著 作